Top Tips for Swinter Travel

Rule #1 for Swinter in the Eastern Sierra: Expect the unexpected and plan for the unpredictable with our top tips.

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The number one rule of Swinter (Mammoth's odd days when winter lingers but spring sunshine brings warm days) is to expect the unexpected. Just as the warm sunshine draws you out to enjoy a walk with baby in the warm sunshine, a cloud will obscure the sun and you'll find yourselves too cold for comfort. So plan for the unpredictable by following these tips:

Plan for Unpredictable Weather

There's a saying in the Eastern Sierra that applies in Swinter. "You don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes, it'll change." Sun's out? Great. Enjoy every single moment. But plan around the very real possibility that clouds will form or the wind will kick up-- or both. And remember that in Mammoth, temps can swing 30 degrees or more during a single day. 

Pack & Wear Layers

The trick to dealing with the Eastern Sierra's wide swing in temperatures is packing and wearing layers, and bringing dry extra top layers on outings just in case. Plan for a synthetic or wool base layer, a mid-layer, a sweatshirt or sweater, plus a warm jacket for kids and adults. For baby, a bunting or snowsuit is always option to have for outdoor play since it will keep snow and water from getting between layers.

Keep Comfy & Safe in your Condo

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A humidifier running in each bedroom will help keep noses clear and encourage good sleep. Having a hard time keeping the little people happy and on schedule? Bring your kids' fav toys and games (or rent from us) to keep kids entertained during down time. We can also provide full-sized cribs, toddler beds, baby gates, play pens. . just about everything you need to keep you little people safe and happy.

Bring & Wear Sunscreen

Unlike the blistering heat you may feel at the beach, the Sierra sun will sneak up on you. The cool weather in Mammoth creates the false sense that you aren't getting too much sun. So don't go out without applying sunscreen. And bring it with you to reapply during the day. Be particularly careful with faces, hands, and children and baby's skin.

Stay Hydrated

If you're feeling off, or your little kids are fussy and not themselves, it very possible that the altitude and dry mountain air has you all feeling the effects of dehydration. Keep yourself and your kids hydrated by taking regular breaks from your Sierra fun to drink water. Set an example by drinking water yourself and bring water with you on outings in a sippy cup or bottle for your little ones to make it easy for them.

Be Prepared but Keep it Chill

How do you plan for the unexpected? Keep a small pack of snacks, first aid kit, water, a safety blanket, and other essentials on hand, just in case. Have a general daily plan for where to go and what to do but make flexibility the central theme of your trip. Don't plan too much so that parents and kids are grumpy by the end of the day. Embracce the Sierra's chill vibe.